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Showing posts with label House. Show all postsShowing posts with label House. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 07, 2014


counting our blessings {the frozen pipe story}

Over the weekend, one of our toilet pipes froze and burst after the temperature got down to -12degF overnight. When it had frozen but not yet started leaking, we frantically tried to warm it up with a hair dryer and space heater, but all we really did was prompt the water to melt faster and eventually spray out of the already-damaged piece of pipe. Luckily we were in the basement having a look at the crawl space under the bathroom when it happened, so we were able to shut off the water right away and clean up the stray water with towels. It was a low moment for morale in the Ranger house and yet another example of Boston loudly telling us we don’t quite fit in up here

Nate set to work finding a plumber who could make an emergency weekend house call even in the midst of many such calls from Massachusetts residents who were without heat and/or also experiencing burst pipes. It was a tough challenge, but he managed to find a competent-sounding dude who could come on Sunday.

We ended up having to shut off the main water line because the shut-off valve going to the bathroom wasn’t working, so that meant we had no water for cleaning and flushing the toilet. Luckily we had plenty of snow in the backyard. After gathering a bucket of it, I went on Instagram proclaiming my new status as Ma Ingalls. As I was heating up water to do dishes, it occurred to me how blessed we are in our daily lives to have all the cheap, clean, convenient, hot water we could want, not to mention a dishwasher and washing machine to do the heavy cleaning.

When the kids began to notice the changes around the house that day, I tried to make it sound like an adventure. That part came easily to me since I was able to draw from a wealth of memories from my own childhood. I thought of all the strong women in my life–my mom, aunts, and grandmas–who did an excellent job imbuing me with the sense that I could overcome any obstacle, that nothing could hurt me because I was loved, and that life was beautiful. I hope I pass on that courage to my daughters.

My favorite moment when we turned the water on was Charlie excitedly exclaiming, “Now we can wipe and flush again!” It’s the little things.

Looking back, I see that what we had was the best case scenario of where and when a pipe could have frozen in our house to cause the least amount of damage. It happened in the downstairs bathroom, located at a corner of the house over the basement. It also served as a great learning experience for us southerners. But you wouldn’t have known that positive spin at the time to hear all of our moaning and griping to our parents about how “maybe we’re not cut out to be homeowners after all.” Fortunately our parents are all good, patient listeners who take hyperbole like that with a grain of salt.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012


a yard!

The girls have spent the past two afternoons joyfully running through the backyard, turning over rocks and poking bugs with sticks. It’s a small space, but it’s all theirs, and they seem to understand the significance of this truth.

I’ve been chatting with neighbors over the fence, and I enjoy the proximity. I keep thinking about the generations who lived in our home before us, chatting with their neighbors over the fence. Our home has been lived in, and I look forward to the years we will add to its history.

The cat is enjoying herself too.

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Monday, October 08, 2012


photos of our new house…for real this time {SQUEE!}

The hubster pointed out that I really shouldn’t call a post “new house” if I’m not showing photos of the new house. Oh…right. Sorry about that. The truth is that it had been my plan, but then I grew more exhausted as I tried to edit out the bad pictures, and I decided I should wait until I have a minute to sit and think about it. Ha! That’s a laugh.

Anyway, I owe you some pictures after that tease. Today we have movers galore in the house, but luckily I was able to get these before chaos reigned supreme. I hope you’ll follow along with me as I attempt to play house in our new digs. I’m looking forward to beginning new traditions and decorating like a grown-up.

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Friday, October 05, 2012


{this moment}: new house

I brought Aunt El to the new house today. She oversaw my unpacking efforts and provided quiet but effective motivation when I felt like quitting.at8:24 PM1 comment: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to PinterestLabels:House,Milestone,this moment Older PostsHomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)


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