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7 Ways to Overcome Boredom

Today the world is divided between entertaining and annoying. Being or being bored can make a difference in a person’s social life. Boredom is defined as an unpleasant emotional state that occurs when you want to be involved in satisfying activity, but fail to do so. Therefore, if you feel that you are locked in monotony and have lost your enthusiasm, now and then, it is good to take a break and learn to have fun.

According to social psychologist Freddy Cristancho, โ€œalthough anyone can feel bored at a given time and sporadically, sometimes boredom can become chronic and have negative consequences for their well-being. For example, boredom can push a person to eat or drink in excess, or to resort to games of chance, as well as to push the adolescents to engage in risky activities or self-destructive,โ€ he said.

Boredom is a feeling of unhappiness where you feel a void or a sense of loneliness, fear of disability. From a positive point of view, it should help to energize the world of ideas in people; it should be the engine to have a starting point to generate activities that reduce laziness and lack of motivation.

It is important that from a child, a key element in development is self-knowledge and self-concept. The first to realize what is the meaning of life that moves us, and the second to evaluate every step we take in our lives and to be able to quickly find elements that slow down or crash episodes of monotony, boredom or laziness.

Fighting boredom as a couple

When the relationship loses the excitement of the first few months, alternatives must be sought to ignite the spark.

  • New things. It’s okay to have a common dynamic but venture to try new experiences, that enrich the relationship.
  • Implement dating nights. It’s something that will keep you excited and make you look forward to the big evening.
  • Plan trips together. There’s probably something fun to do a few hours away, so find out how they could have fun without going too far.
  • The best tip is to keep trying to fall in love. Remember how she behaved at the beginning of her relationship, flirted with her and strove to conquer her.

Causes of boredom

  • Maintain attention: people who get bored have trouble paying attention to internal information such as feelings and emotions.
  • Activation level: the higher the level of activation or requirement, the greater your need to engage in some activity and use a lot of energy to achieve the goals, if you fail to do so, you will be more likely to feel bored.
  • Lack of control: usually when a situation is unpleasant, we try to change it, but if it is not possible, then we get bored, however, it is because the person focuses on the outside environment to combat their boredom, instead of resorting to their inner world.
  • Lack of motivation. When you don’t find anything that motivates or appeals to you in your work, relationship, or family, you are likely to get bored. Therefore, you should be able to find activities that you like, motivate and want to get involved in.

Tips to make your days more fun

  • Relax: taking time for activities where the body and mind relax can be one of the best alternatives to overcome the tedium of everyday life. A spa afternoon with friends, a yoga class or bowling with family is some options.
  • Learn Something New: nothing better than leaving the comfort zone and learning something interesting. From an online English course, cooking classes, a tarot course or medicinal plants will make you feel better and wiser.
  • Take care of your body: sport is one of the biggest sources of, fun and its mental and body health benefits are countless. So a football match, gym membership, or extreme practice will sure vibrate with energy.
  • Full Belly, happy heart: there is no doubt that eating gives happiness, so visiting a good restaurant or experimenting with typical meals from other countries can be a very good idea.
  • Travel, sleep and fall in love: these are three of the great pleasures that life offers. Traveling will always be an option to open the mind and surprise the spirit. There is a world full of Destinies to, know, and you can start now.