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Showing posts with label Charlotte. Show all postsShowing posts with label Charlotte. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 02, 2014



Charlotte is four years old! She can carry on a real conversation and even adds lively inflection to her voice. But at the same time, she still seems like our baby. We think back to when Vivi was four, and she seemed like such a big kid. We’ve always treated her that way. I guess that’s why people always say the first child ends up with a different personality than the last. I just never thought we’d view our own children that way.

Next week Charlie starts pre-k, and I am going on the same emotional roller coaster that I did when Vivi started pre-k. Only this time I won’t have another munchkin at home with me in the mornings! Just what am I going to do with myself?

At this point you might be wondering…am I going to blog here again? No, I am standing by my decision not to post here regularly. I’m writing today because I want to give Charlie the same attention Vivi got in all her birthday posts in years past. Charlie’s posts from previous birthdays are here: {three}, {two}, and {one}. Here goes…

Dear Charlotte,

When I look back at what I’ve said to you in your previous birthday letters, I laugh when I come to the word “opinionated.” Yes, that still fits you to a tee! On your birthday, you crawled into bed with me to snuggle. I began to sing Laurie Berkner’s birthday song, and mid-way through it you said, “Don’t sing, Mommy!” It’s funny to me that, so unlike Vivi, you have never wanted me to sing impromptu songs to you. On the other hand, you do love for me to sing bedtime songs, but only on command. Lately you’ve been requesting I recite “The Goops” at bedtime, and you always laugh when I get to the last line, “Are you?”

We gave you a Betty Bunny story for one of your presents, and you’ve been wanting me to read it every day. You take it up and down stairs with you when you go so that it can be near you. Vivi has struggled with some gifts being just for you, particularly the Elsa and Anna dolls and the My Little Pony. Even though we explained to her at her birthday that if she didn’t share with you, you might not share with her, she has been taking it rough and cried quite a bit on your birthday. Luckily, you are a sweet little sister and have been more compassionate toward her than even I have. You offer to share your toys with her, at least part of the time. Your generosity and genuine love of your big sister is so sweet to see. Today we dropped Vivi off at school, and you whispered as she walked away, “But I wanted to play with her all day.”

I am not the greatest replacement for a playmate, but we have fun playing card and board games together. Right now you’d rather play crazy eights than do almost anything else. In fact, when I asked you what your favorite thing was that you did today, you said playing crazy eights. I will miss how open you are still with your jokes, shouting words like “Poopie!” and then busting out laughing. We all love to make you laugh because it is such an unreserved, gleeful sound.

We love you to pieces, sweet girl.
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Saturday, November 30, 2013


our incredible hulk

Charlie has always been fiercely independent. As soon as she could walk, she’s been attempting to carry gigantic loads way heavier than her own body weight without our help. A few days ago, Vivi complained that she couldn’t lift the lid to our storage footstool, and Charlie cheerily replied, “Sure we can! Just grab that handle, and I’ll get this one.” She prefers to push the stroller to being put in it, such that you can often find our family of four walking down the sidewalk with Vivi in the stroller and Charlie pushing it. Hence our nickname for her: Hulk.
The Princess & The Ladybug


Christmas in Florida, c. 2011. Charlie is 16 months old here. My original caption read, “Charlie, our work-dog.”

Three year olds are full of contradictions. They want to be snuggled but treated like big kids. Charlie’s picking up on the cues of older girls and so has begun the princessification process, but she’s also still into frogs and mud.

Charlotte’s desire for independence has never been as evident as since she turned three. She is quite the interesting mix of easy-going and opinionated, and you never really know which version you’re going to get until the action begins. I love our daily strolls to get Vivi from school. We skip, dawdle, and mosey, the two of us in quiet pursuit of Thoreau’s great art of the saunter. At times this activity is more fun…


…Than at others…

Me: We need to walk. Charlie: No thanks.

Her primary party trick is the ability to entertain herself for nearly hours on end. It is a talent that is universally commented upon by guests when we are able to sit and chat for long periods (n.b.: this is while Vivi is at school. When she’s home, all bets are off). Oh, and for her next party trick, she’ll sing you a medley of show tunes:


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